Graham Denny
At school Art was one of those subjects I tended to avoid as I didn't really enjoy it.
So to have 'Art' as one of my challenges was just that - a challenge.
I had no idea where to start and I'm sure I made lots of mistakes. I was overjoyed when I actually made my first sale on Ebay! - Challenge complete!
But the thing is - I enjoy art more than I thought I would - in fact it's my favourite creative experience.
Below is some of my work and I admit I'm no artist. in fact my wife has described me as 'rubbish' at art...I agree and this is all very much tongue in cheek'
Lake Sky
The Fighting Temaraire
Felixstowe to Ipswich Coach journey inspired by R.S.Reeve's painting on dispay at Christchurch Mansion, Ipswich.
Girl in the rain
Afghan Woman - Inspired by the epic photo from Steve McCurry.